
Workplace Skills Training


No Fixed Amount

Type of Program:



Workplace Skills Training supports employers to train new or existing employees to develop their skills and align with needs of the business. Training must be short term and meet job-specific and incremental industry requirements of the organization.

Comments on Funding:

Funding is up to 50% of the direct training costs.
The applicant will be required to contribute the remaining 50%.

When It Ends:



Rolling deadline


The applicant must:

  • registered private sector businesses,
  • organization acting on behalf of a group of employers (e.g. employer consortia, industry associations and sector council businesses),
  • band/tribal councils.

Application Steps:


complete the Workplace Skills Training employer application form and submit it to their local SkillsPEI office,


start the training activities after they receive confirmation that their application has been approved for the Workplace Skills Training program.

Documentation Needed: 

The applicant must submit:

  • the completed Workplace Skills Training Employer application form,
  • a brief outline of the company’s products or services and the plan, if any, for future growth,
  • a detailed proposal outlining the training objectives, activities, duration and expected results,
  • a detailed project budget which demonstrates your financial contribution,
  • name and details of the proposed training provider,
  • additional information upon request.

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