Rebates Available to New Brunswick Businesses

Amount:$250,000.00 Type of Program:Rebate Description:The Business Rebate Program provides financial support to help businesses offset the costs of energy efficient products at their facility.  Comments on Funding:The funding is in the form of a rebate of 25% of eligible project costs. There is a lifetime cap of $250,000 per eligibleproject site. When It Ends:Ongoing Deadline:December

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Amount:$30.000  Type of Program:Rebate Description:The Vacant Businesses Incentive Program encourages the purchase or rental of vacant buildings within the limits of the City of Bathurst, thus encouraging economic development in the City of Bathurst and contributing to the beautification of the surrounding areas. Comments on Funding:Funding is up to 3% of renovations made to the eligible

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This program is currently closed. Amount:$60,000 Type of Program:Rebate Description:The Prescriptive Incentive option offers rebates to small and medium scale industry businesses on select energy efficiency measures from a defined list that includes per unit incentives for simple one to one retrofits. Measures include: lighting, compressed air equipment and motor drive upgrades.The Industrial Energy Efficiency

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