
Employment Enhancement Program


No Fixed Amount

Type of Program:



The Employment Enhancement program supports employers in the forestry, aquaculture, agriculture, and fishing sectors engaged in value-added secondary processing by providing funding to employers to create sustainable, long-term employment or seasonal employment and a training allowance to support new employees.

Comments on Funding:

Funding is a wage subsidy of 75%, to a maximum of $15 per hour, for a period of 10-28 weeks, plus a training allowance up to $3,000 for the individual hired.

When It Ends:



Rolling deadline


The applicant must:

  • be an organization,
  • be incorporated or a sole proprietor,
  • have a Canada Revenue Agency business number,
  • be in good standing with Registry of Companies and Deeds,
  • have an office location/base in Newfoundland and Labrador.
  • adhere to the all relevant Terms and Conditions of the Employment Enhancement Program.

Application Steps:


Applicant must register and create an account in the Department of Immigration, Population Growth and Skills LaMPSS payment system to apply on-line,


Applicant must complete and submit an online application and wait to be notified by email after a decision is made on the application – within 20 business days of receipt of a complete application,

Documentation Needed: 

The applicant must submit:

  • an online application form,
  • a job description
  • a training description.

Activity and Financial reports for Self-employment Assistance Coordinator should be completed online using LaMPSS Self-serve functionality.

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