
Job Creation Partnerships

Amount:No Fixed Amount Type of Program:Grants Description:The Job Creation Partnerships (JCP) is a program designed to support projects that will provide Labour Market Development Agreement (LMDA) eligible participants with meaningful work experience that will improve their employment prospects. Financial assistance is available for income support and/or Employment Insurance Benefits for those participants who are active…


Workplace Education Initiative (WEI)

Amount:No Fixed Amount Type of Program:Grants Description:The Workplace Education Initiative (WEI) provides business skills training to business owners and their employees. WEI training enhances individual workplace skills and supports businesses and organizations to be more successful, open to change and ready for growth. Programs offered include leadership and communication skills, sales and marketing, financial management,…


Workplace Innovation and Productivity Skills Incentive (WIPSI)

Amount: $ 100,000.00  Type of Program:Grants Description:The Workplace Innovation and Productivity Skills Incentive provides funding for employers and industry associations for training full-time employees to improve productivity and innovation within the organization.Comments on Funding:Funding for small businesses in Nova Scotia with less than 50 employees is up to 100% of the first $10,000 of eligible direct…