Type of Program:
Grants & Loan
The Innovation Mobilization (IM) Program provides service to all Springboard members, supporting industry engagement and advancing ideas.
There are 4 funding categories:
- 1The Industry Engagement program connects skilled professionals in academia with like-minded contacts in industry to drive new collaborations and support research commercialization in Atlantic Canada.
- 2Proof of Concept: The goal of this funding is to provide support for developing early stage ideas, from a lab bench to a working prototype or equivalent (e.g. software beta), and to support development towards a commercial opportunity.
- 3The Patent and Legal category provides funding for the assessment and protection of ideas with commercial potential. All forms of intellectual property are eligible e.g. patents, industry designs, copyright, trademarking etc.
- 4The Marketing Support category supports market assessment and prototype development. Its goal is to validate the commercial potential of an idea.
Comments on Funding:
Funding/category is:
When It Ends:
Rolling Deadline
Application Steps:
Applicants must contact a Springboard member or their central office for more information.
Applications for the IM Program must be submitted by a Springboard Atlantic member to qualify for funding.
Program Contact: