
Employ PEI – For Employers

Amount:No Fixed Amount Type of Program:Subsidy Description:Employ PEI is an employment program to help job seekers develop new skills and gain work experience through on-the-job training. By providing a temporary wage subsidy to an employer, it helps create long term employment opportunities and assists the employer with the cost of hiring and training a new…


Digital Skills 4 Youth PEI’ (DS4Y PEl)

Amount:$21,500 Type of Program:Subsidy Description:Digital Skills 4 Youth PEI’ (DS4Y PEl) is a new internship opportunity for Island youth that provides financial support to Island businesses or non-profit organizations who will act as ‘Intern Host Organizations’ (IHOs).  Comments on Funding:Funding is a maximum of $21,500 per intern in salary funds, understood to be 75% of…


Graduate mentorship – For Employers

Amount:No Fixed Amount Type of Program:Subsidy Description:The Graduate Mentorship Program is an employment program developed to help employers create long term employment opportunities for unemployed recent post-secondary graduates in their field of study.Comments on Funding:Funding is a subsidy of up to 50% of the wages, up to a maximum contribution of $10/hour for 52 weeks. …


Self Employ PEI

Amount:No Fixed Amount Type of Program:Subsidy Description:Self Employ PEI is an employment program developed to help Prince Edward Island job seekers who want to launch their own business. This program provides financial support and business counseling to new entrepreneurs during their first year of operation.Comments on Funding:Each week the applicants receives a weekly living allowance…


Workplace Skills Training

Amount:No Fixed Amount Type of Program:Grants Description:Workplace Skills Training supports employers to train new or existing employees to develop their skills and align with needs of the business. Training must be short term and meet job-specific and incremental industry requirements of the organization.Comments on Funding:Funding is up to 50% of the direct training costs.The applicant…