
Affordable Housing Incentive

Amount:$10,000.00 Type of Program:Grants Description:The Affordable Housing Incentive program provides funding to stimulate below market, affordable and accessible housing options in the City of Miramichi.  Comments on Funding:Funding is up to $10,000.00 per qualified rental unit. When It Ends:Ongoing Deadline:Rolling deadlineEligibility:Applicants must: be not-for-profit Housing Providers or Private Sector Developers, have a registered ownership interest…


Downtown Housing Incentive Program

Amount:$10,000.00 Type of Program:Grants Description:The Downtown Housing Incentive Program provides funding to attract and retain downtown residents by incentivizing the creation of new housing in the Business Improvement Areas. Comments on Funding:Funding is up to $10,000.00 per qualified dwelling unit.  When It Ends:Ongoing Deadline:Rolling deadlineEligibility:The applicant must have a registered ownership interest in the property…


Economic Development Incentive

Amount:No Fixed Amount Type of Program:Grants Description:The purpose of the Economic Development Incentive is to provide the City with an additional tool to support and attract new development to the City of Miramichi. Amount of the available incentive shall be calculated using the declared cost of infrastructure construction as stated on the approved building permit…


Façade Improvement Program

Amount:$3,000.00 Type of Program:Grants Description:The Façade Improvement Program provides funding to improve the overall attractiveness of the City of Miramichi’s Business Improvement Areas as a shopping and business destination and to assist in attracting and retaining tenants in the Downtowns by providing assistance to commercial property owners within the BIA’s to address issues relating to…


Commercial Buildings Retrofit Program

Amount:$1,000,000.00 Type of Program:Grants Description:The Commercial Buildings Retrofit Program provides financial incentives to New Brunswick owners and operators of commercial buildings to reduce energy consumption, increase competitiveness, and create healthier, safer, and more comfortable workspaces for both their teams and customers. Funding can be used for an energy audit of the building and for an…