
Fisheries Loan Guarantee Program

Amount:$3,000,000 Type of Program:Loan Guarantee Description:The Fisheries Loan Guarantee Program supports the development of the province’s independent fish harvesting industry by providing a government guarantee on loans through local chartered banks for the construction or purchase of marine vessels and/or to purchase new engines and fishing equipment for the improvement, rebuilding or alteration of existing…


Business ACCESS-Ability Grant Program

Amount:$100,000 Type of Program:Grants Description:The Business ACCESS-Ability Grant Program provides funding to businesses for a cost-shared grant to make accessibility-related improvements. Improvements can be for clients and customers, for employees, or both.There are five categories of funding:1Built Environment for removing physical barriers for persons to access business services, by installing ramps, accessible washrooms, door openers,…


Fixed Farm Mortgage

Amount:No Fixed Amount Type of Program:Loan Description:The Fixed Farm Mortgage is a fixed rate interest loan for Nova Scotia farmers which can be used for purchasing an operational farm or additional farm land, for construction of farm buildings for livestock housing or other construction projects such as: greenhouse facilities, milking parlors, silos, manure systems, land…


Term Farm Mortgage

Amount:No Fixed Amount Type of Program:Loan Description:The Term Farm Mortgage is a loan for Nova Scotia farmers which can be used for purchasing an operational farm or additional farm land, for construction of farm buildings for livestock housing or other construction projects such as: greenhouse facilities, milking parlors, silos, manure systems, land clearing, or drainage. Comments…


Wild blueberry Business Enhancement Loans

Amount:No Fixed Amount Type of Program:Loan Description:The Wild Blueberry Business Enhancement program aims to increase wild blueberry production in Nova Scotia through efficiencies and land expansion by providing lending options for equipment, purchase and improvement of existing land, and new site development. Comments on Funding:The applicant will pay interest and other fees, if applicable.  …