
Sport Championship Hosting Program

Amount:$15,000.00 Type of Program:Grants Description:The Sport Championship Hosting Program provides grants to organizations hosting International, National, Eastern Canadian and Atlantic Championships as well as National Sport Organization (NSO) Annual General Meetings.  Comments on Funding:Funding is the form of grants up to:1$1,000, if the applicant organizes a National Sport Organization Annual General Meeting,2$2,000, if the applicant…

World Championship Travel Support Fund

Amount:$500 Type of Program:Grants Description:The World Championship Travel Support Fund (WCTSF) is a component of the Athletic Excellence Fund designed to recognize athletic excellence of the province’s athletes.  Comments on Funding:Grants in the amount of $500 are available to eligible applicants. When It Ends:Ongoing Deadline:Rolling deadlineEligibility:The applicant must: be Newfoundland and Labrador athletes who qualify…


MusicNL Professional Development

Amount:$4,000 Type of Program:Grants Description:The MusicNL Professional Development provides assistance to artists or groups to improve creative skills, to gain greater knowledge of the music industry, to conduct business that seeks to promote and market MusicNL members outside the province, to attend music related conferences, festivals and events and to showcase a music conferences, festivals…


The Cultural Economic Development Program (CEDP) – Publishers Assistance Program

This program is currently closed. Amount:No Fixed Amount Type of Program:Grants Description:The CEDP – Publishers Assistance Program supports publishers with potential for sustained or expanding business strength, sound market and business planning, employment growth over the long term, and responsiveness to the provincial literary sector. The program is designed to strengthen the publishing and the…


MusicNL Market Access

Amount:$4,000 Type of Program:Grants Description:The MusicNL Market Access program provides to export-ready musicians touring outside of the province and expanding their market reach within and outside of Canada to present NL music as an art form and viable economic driver.Comments on Funding:Funding is up to 100% of eligible expenses to a maximum of:$1,500 for Solo…