
Venture Capital Fund (VCF)

Amount:$500,000 Type of Program:Investment Description:The Ventrure Capital Fund provides New Brunswick startups with the venture capital they need to rapidly grow and deliver their innovative products to customers. This investment will take the form of equity through the purchase of preferred shares, common shares or issuance of convertible debentures.Capital raised from the Venture Capital Fund…


Research Assistantships Initiative (RAI)

Amount:$60,000.00 Type of Program:Wage Subsidy Description:The Research Assistantships Initiative (RAI) provides applied researchers funding to hire undergraduate and graduate student research assistants. Funding is advanced to the college or university first, and then paid out to the student(s) in the form of a salary, award, or stipend. Comments on Funding:Funding is in the form of stipends…

Talent Recruitment Fund

Amount:$100,000.00 Type of Program:Award Description:Talent Recruitment Fund is intended to help institutions recruit or retain promising early stage researchers into faculty / independent researcher positions. This award is intended to foster excellence in applied research, and to support those research programs with the potential for significant economic impact (direct or indirect) for the province of…


Equipment Fund

Amount:$150,000.00 Type of Program:Grant Description:The Equipment Fund aims to increase the province’s applied research capacity by supporting the purchase of equipment. Up to 33% of the equipment cost may be requested, understanding that requests to NBIF may be no larger than $150,000. This fund may be used to leverage federal programs for research equipment (e.g….