
MusicNL Virtual Professional Development

Amount:$750.00 Type of Program:Grants Description:The MusicNL Virtual Professional Development provides assistance to artists or groups to improve creative skills, to gain greater knowledge of the music industry, to conduct business that seeks to promote and market MusicNL members outside the province, to attend (virtual) music related conferences, festivals and events.Comments on Funding:Funding is in the…


Music NL Market Access Newfoundland & Labrador (Touring)

Amount:$1,500.00 Type of Program:Grants Description:MusicNL offers a one-time COVID-19 funding program to support artists touring within Newfoundland & Labrador. Between June 9, 2021 and March 31, 2022 (or until funding is exhausted), applications for intra-provincial touring for Newfoundland & Labrador musicians will be accepted.  Comments on Funding:Applicants may apply for up to 100% of eligible…


MusicNL Professional Development

Amount:$4,000 Type of Program:Grants Description:The MusicNL Professional Development provides assistance to artists or groups to improve creative skills, to gain greater knowledge of the music industry, to conduct business that seeks to promote and market MusicNL members outside the province, to attend music related conferences, festivals and events and to showcase a music conferences, festivals…


MusicNL Market Access

Amount:$4,000 Type of Program:Grants Description:The MusicNL Market Access program provides to export-ready musicians touring outside of the province and expanding their market reach within and outside of Canada to present NL music as an art form and viable economic driver.Comments on Funding:Funding is up to 100% of eligible expenses to a maximum of:$1,500 for Solo…


Artist Development

Amount:No fixed Amount Type of Program:Grants Description:The Artist Development program provides funding to foster and support Newfoundland and Labrador musical culture through the funding of diverse artists and genres in demos, EP’s, full-length sound recordings, marketing and promotion materials.Comments on Funding:Program will be broken down into a 3-tier system. Applicants may apply for up to…