
Aquaculture Capital Equity Program (ACEP)

Amount:No Fixed Amount Type of Program:Investment Description:The objective of the Aquaculture Capital Equity Program is to partner with companies to increase production from both hatcheries and marine sites in Newfoundland and Labrador. The program will provide a minimum investment to projects of $250,000 for finfish operations and $100,000 for shellfish to match a private sector…


Agriculture Business Advancer

Amount:$300,000.00 Type of Program:Grants Description:The Agriculture Business Advancer program supports the adoption of new technologies, processes or specialized equipment for the purpose of business growth.Comments on Funding:Applicants are eligible for 30% funding assistance on total eligible project costs to a maximum of $300,000.No more than 100% of non-repayable funding can be received for any eligible…


Food Bank Tax Credit for Farmers

Amount:No Fixed Amount Type of Program:Tax Credit Description:The Food Bank Tax Credit for Farmers is a non-refundable income tax credit for individuals or corporations that carry on the business of farming and donate agricultural products to eligible food banks in Nova Scotia.  Comments on Funding:The credit is 25% of the fair market value of the…


“Fast Tracktor” – Equipment Financing

Amount:No Fixed Amount Type of Program:Loan Description:The Fast Tracktor authorization is an equipment purchasing loan for Nova Scotia farmers requiring new or used equipment to sustain their operation. Comments on Funding:The applicant will pay interest and other fees, if applicable.The amortization will depend on the life expectancy of the equipment. Normally equipment amortizations wouldn’t exceed 10…


Cattle and Sheep Deferred Financing

Amount:No Fixed Amount Type of Program:Loan Description:This program was developed to support cattle and sheep farmers where there is a proven plan for the expansion of livestock to implement long-term viability of their operation. The Farm Loan Board offers flexible lending terms including payment deferrals that will complement the Nova Scotia Cattle and Sheep Industry…