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Value-Added Manufacturing Program


No Fixed Amount

Type of Program:

Grants & Loan


Value-Added Manufacturing Program provides financial assistance to Nova Scotia-based businesses for the purpose of supporting the development of value-added products from materials recovered from the waste stream.

Comments on Funding:

Funding will be provided in the form of a loan, forgivable loan or, non-repayable contribution.
Funding is up to 50% of approved eligible costs.

When It Ends:



Rolling deadline


The applicant must:

  • be individual businesses organized as sole proprietorship's, partnerships, or corporations,
  • be business associations or industry groups,
  • be industry-led collaborative partnerships between the private and public sectors and two or more businesses or consortia,
  • hold the necessary licenses, leases, and permits, where applicable,
  • and/or project activities shall be based in Nova Scotia, unless specifically approved by Divert NS,
  • confirm at least a 20% equity position in the project to qualify for assistance. 

Divert NS encourages business alliances and partnered proposals for new products, services, and technologies of province-wide significance and benefit.

Application Steps:

Applicants must:


notify Divert NS of intent to submit an application, 


complete and submit the application package. 

Documentation Needed: 

The applicant must submit:

  • the completed application form,
  • a detailed business plan.
  • resumes of all researchers and information on all partners and associates.

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