Economic Diversification and Growth Enterprise (EDGE) Program
No Fixed Amount
Type of Program:
The Economic Diversification and Growth Enterprises (EDGE) Program provides incentives to encourage significant new business investment in the province to help diversify the economy and stimulate new private sector job creation, particularly in rural areas. The City of Corner Brook participates in the Provincial Economic Diversification and Growth Enterprise (EDGE) Program.
Comments on Funding:
Funding will take the form of the following incentives and benefits:
- 1a 100% rebate on provincial corporate income tax and payroll tax for 15 years;
- 2a 50% rebate on federal corporate income tax for 15 years;
- 3a 100% rebate on City of Corner Brook property and/or business taxes for 10 years.
When It Ends:
Rolling deadline
The applicant must:
Application Steps:
Applicants must submit a signed, completed application with supporting documentation to the office of Industry, Energy and Technology (IET) in their area.
Documentation Needed:
Applicants must submit:
- 1a Business Plan and Project Summary & Benefits;
- 2the Business Description including a brief history of the company;
- 3the project Description;
- 4a 12 month travel plan, if funding is requested for travel related to market development;
- 5a “Contamination Warranty.” (if applicable);
- 6Project Budget;
- 7quotations and supporting documentation for project costs;
- 8a brief history of the shareholders;
- 9resumes and remuneration for the principal owners and key management personnel;
- 10full disclosure of corporate shareholdings for all companies owned, controlled or effectively controlled by the applicant or its shareholders;
- 11Description of the competition;
- 12Marketing information;
- 13If Existing Business:
- 14If New Business:
- 15supporting revenue forecasts;
- 16other required documentation: