
Integrated Bilateral Agreement – Green Infrastructure: Adaptation, Resilience and Disaster Mitigation


No Fixed Amount

Type of Program:



The Green Infrastructure: Adaptation, Resilience and Disaster Mitigation provides investment to enable greater adaptation and resilience to the impacts of climate change and climate change related disaster mitigation.

Comments on Funding:

Funding is a cost-sharing from the federal government of up to the following:

  1. 1
    50% of eligible expenditures for New Brunswick;
  2. 2
    40% of eligible expenditures for municipalities, regional governments and not-for-profit organizations;
  3. 3
    75% of eligible expenditures for Indigenous ultimate recipients;
  4. 4
    25% of eligible expenditures for any for-profit, private sector ultimate recipients (when eligible).

The provincial government will cost share up to:

  1. 1
    33.33% of eligible expenditures for projects with municipalities.

When It Ends:



Rolling deadline


The applicant must be:

  • a municipal or regional government established by or under provincial statute;
  • a public sector body that is established by or under provincial statute or by regulation or is wholly-owned by New Brunswick, or a municipal or regional government;
  • a private sector body, including for-profit organizations and not-for-profit organizations. In the case of for-profit organizations, they will need to work in collaboration with one or more of the entities referred to above or an Indigenous ultimate recipient listed below; and the following Indigenous ultimate recipients:
  • a band council within the meaning of section 2 of the Indian Act;
  • a First Nation, Inuit or Métis government or authority established pursuant to a self-government agreement or a comprehensive land claim agreement between His Majesty the King in Right of Canada and an Indigenous people of Canada, that has been approved, given effect and declared valid by federal legislation;
  • a First Nation, Inuit or Métis government that is established by or under legislation whether federal or provincial that incorporates a governance structure;
  • an Indigenous development corporation;
  • a not-for-profit organization whose central mandate is to improve Indigenous outcomes.
  • have eligible projects that have increased structural capacity and/or increased natural capacity to adapt to climate change impacts, natural disasters and/or extreme weather events.

Application Steps:


Applicants must submit their Expression of Interest.

Documentation Needed: 

Climate Assessments - Applicants must:

  1. 1
    submit a Greenhouse Gas Mitigation Assessment and a Climate Change Resilience Assessment as part of the project submission process, if their projects have a total eligible costs over $10 million.
  2. 2
    be required a Greenhouse Gas Mitigation Assessment as part of the submission process if their projects seek funding under the Climate Change Mitigation sub-stream.
  3. 3
    be required to submit a Climate Change Resilience Assessment as part of the project submission process if their projects seek funding under the Adaptation, Resilience, and Disaster Mitigation sub-stream.

Community Employment Benefits – Applicants must be required to report on community employment benefits generated by the project, if their projects have total eligible costs over $25 million.

Other Things to Note:

The primary role of the Regional Development Corporation is to work with other governmental agencies, institutions and not-for-profit groups to ensure that economically challenged regions within New Brunswick are provided with the necessary tools and infrastructure required to attain their full potential in terms of community and economic development. 

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