Economic Development Incentive
No Fixed Amount
Type of Program:
The purpose of the Economic Development Incentive is to provide the City with an additional tool to support and attract new development to the City of Miramichi. Amount of the available incentive shall be calculated using the declared cost of infrastructure construction as stated on the approved building permit issued prior to construction.
Comments on Funding:
The maximum allowable incentive will be calculated as 5% of the infrastructure investment amortized over 5 years.
The first installment of the economic development incentive shall be payable as of December 1st of the calendar year project completion and subsequent installments shall be issued on December 1st of each subsequent year of the agreement.
When It Ends:
Rolling Deadline
Applicants must:
Application Steps:
Applicants must:
contact the Department of Economic Development and Tourism to be assigned a file number and to be appointed a development officer,
schedule a meeting with development officer to review proposal and to determine eligibility,
provide the necessary documentations and complete the application forms as required,
Documentation Needed:
Applicants must submit:
Upon acceptance into the incentive program the company shall be required to enter a contractual agreement with the City of Miramichi outlining the project and the terms and conditions of the incentive acceptance.
Other Things to Note:
No other details available.
Program Contact: