
Affordable Housing Incentive



Type of Program:



The Affordable Housing Incentive program provides funding to stimulate below market, affordable and accessible housing options in the City of Miramichi.  

Comments on Funding:

Funding is up to $10,000.00 per qualified rental unit.

When It Ends:



Rolling deadline


Applicants must:

  • be not-for-profit Housing Providers or Private Sector Developers,
  • have a registered ownership interest in the property named in the application based on the Service NB Property Account Number (PAN).

Eligible Projects:

  • must be approved for funding by CMHC and/or SD under their respective Affordable Housing Programs (Projects that are fully funded (100%) by the CMHC and/or SD Programs are deemed to be ineligible for this funding program),
  • must be located within the boundaries of the City of Miramichi,
  • must be located where existing municipal water & sewerage services are available unless approved by GMRSC-Planning & Building Services,
  • are limited to the creation of new Rental Units exclusively,
  • must receive Letter of Offer prior to the commencement of construction,
  • must meet or exceed all requirements of the City of Miramichi Zoning Bylaw #110 and building code requirements as determined by the GMRSC – Planning & Building Services,
  • that include a commercial property within the BIA, must have the BIA Levy for the subject property (PAN) up to date and paid in full for the previous taxation year.

Application Steps:

Applicants must:


contact the City of Miramichi, Department of Economic Development & Tourism to discuss the program and determine pre-eligibility, 


submit a completed application with all support documentation and obtain final approval prior to the commencement of any work related to the application.

Documentation Needed: 

Applicants must submit:

  1. 1
    the completed application form,
  2. 2
    a complete project description,
  3. 3
    a detailed project budget,
  4. 4
    detailed plans (site plan, floor plans, façade details, etc.),
  5. 5
    planning permit (if required),
  6. 6
    copy of most recent property assessment notice from service NB,
  7. 7
    construction schedule (start and finish date),

Other Things to Note:

Successful applicants that meet the program criteria will be issued a Letter of Offer demonstrating the City of Miramichi’s commitment to the project and outlining any conditions that need to be satisfied prior to advancement of funds.

March 23, 2021 - Source 1

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