
Music NL Market Access Newfoundland & Labrador (Touring)



Type of Program:



MusicNL offers a one-time COVID-19 funding program to support artists touring within Newfoundland & Labrador. Between June 9, 2021 and March 31, 2022 (or until funding is exhausted), applications for intra-provincial touring for Newfoundland & Labrador musicians will be accepted.  

Comments on Funding:

Applicants may apply for up to 100% of eligible expenses to a maximum of:

  • $500, if Solo Artists,
  • $750, if a Duo,
  • $1,000, if a Group (3 or more individuals).

An additional $500 per member (up to a maximum of $1,500) is available for travel to or from Labrador. Monies are a grant and not repayable. Payment will be issued with 75% up front and 25% upon receipt of final report.

When It Ends:



March 31, 2022


The applicants must:

  • be individuals or groups,
  • have been residents of Newfoundland & Labrador for at least six (6) months prior to the application. Proof of residency may be required,
  • be touring within Newfoundland & Labrador.

Application Steps:


should contact MusicNL at least a month in advance of submission to discuss the proposed project before an application is submitted. Appointments must be made through david@musicnl.ca


must submit the application electronically via the application form page, 


submit the final report and accompanying Expense Claim to receive the remaining 25% of the grant.

Documentation Needed: 

​Applicants must submit:

  1. 1
    the completed application form,
  2. 2
    a separate budget that reports the full cost of the project,
  3. 3
    a high resolution photo,
  4. 4
    any other material relevant to their project (posters, booking confirmation, contracts),

Approved applicants are required to submit a final report within thirty (30) days of the project end date.

Program Contact:

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