
Information Technology Implementation Assistance

  • This program is currently closed.



Type of Program:



The Information Technology Implementation Assistance program contributes funds toward the cost of implementing the new IT strategies recommended through the Information Technology Planning Program or a similar assessment. This new technology should make the applicant company more productive, profitable and competitive.

Comments on Funding:

Funding is up to 40% of the cost of implementing a new IT system, up to a maximum of $40,000. 

When It Ends:



Rolling deadline


The applicant must:

  • be new and existing, Island-based, non-IT companies organized as sole proprietorship, partnership, cooperative or limited liability,
  • have well-developed export oriented business and marketing plans

Application Steps:


submit the completed application form before any financial or legal commitment is made on the project,


accept the letter of offer forwarded to them which shall create a contract between Innovation PEI and the applicant

Documentation Needed: 

The applicant must submit:

  • the online application form,
  • a business and a marketing plan project,
  • a feasibility or market study,
  • a competitive analysis,
  • a Resume,
  • the consultant’s proposal(s) and the study’s terms of reference, if the application concerns a study

Other Things to Note:

The program is not listed among Innovation PEI programs. 

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