Micro Lending Program
Type of Program:
The Micro Lending Program has limited security requirements and is easy to access for those working on smaller projects.
Comments on Funding:
Funding is a loan up to $5,000, at a rate of 8% over a maximum 2-year term, with a 5% cash equity recommended.
When It Ends:
Rolling deadline
Applicants must be:
Application Steps:
Applicants must complete and submit the Client Inquiry Form;
Applicants will be provided with tools which will help them calculate loan repayments, create an online presence, and lots more while Ulnooweg reviews their client inquiry forms;
Applicants must review the funding options available to them based on their business and situation;
Applicants will receive support from the funding liaison to navigate the application process (the liaison will be responsible to send the application off for assessment).
Documentation Needed:
No specific documentation has been identified.
Other Things to Note:
No other details available.
Program Contact: